since 2024

certified talent partner Spotlight

At the heart of every innovation lies a story as diverse and unique as the inventors behind it. At the European Patent Office (EPO), we understand and celebrate this diversity. As the patent office for Europe, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality patents and efficient services that empower inventors, researchers, and companies worldwide.

Established in 1973, the EPO has grown from 16 signatory states to encompass 39 member states, including all 27 EU member states as well as countries such as Norway, Switzerland, and Türkiye. With headquarters in Munich and branches in The Hague, along with offices in Berlin, Vienna, and Brussels, we provide a centralised and uniform procedure for obtaining patent protection in up to 45 countries through a single application.

We take pride in our role in fostering innovation, competitiveness, and economic growth. Every patent we grant contributes to building a safer, smarter and more sustainable world. Our commitment extends to supporting and championing professional women in the tech industry, recognising their invaluable contributions to shaping the future through their inventions.

At the EPO, we embrace diversity as the driving force behind progress. Join us in our mission to empower innovators and make a lasting impact on the world we live in.

Empowering Innovators, Enriching Diversity, Enhancing Tomorrow.

Megan Stollery


The vibrant tapestry of our professional community, where every person is cherished and encouraged to fully engage, is at the core of who we are and how we work. By embracing diversity and inclusion, we are also better positioned to understand the diverse needs of our stakeholders, respond to challenges with creativity and ensure a positive impact on society for a more sustainable world. Towards that, we constantly strive – wish to join us?

– Roberta Romano-Götsch, Chief Sustainability Officer


Number of employees worldwide
6,300 Employees
Staff from 34 Countries
35% Female Employees

Gender Diversity (Female)
28% Management

DE&I Hiring Statistics (female)
36% Examiner Roles (STEM)
62.5% Corporate Roles
61% Graduate Programme


  • Starting salary net income: €6750 + allowances
  • 30 days paid leave
  • Upto 60 days working from any EPC Member State
  • EPO pension and salary savings plan
  • Free high-quality office equipment delivered to your home
  • Free language courses
  • In-house consultation and individual support for occupational health


  • Dependant child allowance
  • Financial support for children with special needs
  • Free admission to European schools, EPO creches and nursery schools
  • Private health insurance for the whole family
  • Life insurance
  • Household allowance
  • 120 days parental leave before the child turns 12
  • Additional leave options for family care
  • 24/7 employee assistance programme


  • Over 170 social clubs
  • Canteens and bistros
  • Free gym, yoga, zumba and more at EPO premises
  • Free e-charging stations
  • Events, parties, and excursions
  • Highly skilled colleagues and international community
  • Contributing to innovations, working at the forefront of technology


  • Relocation and installation allowances
  • 16%-20% expatriation allowance depending on family status






We believe that diversity is fundamental to our success. Embarking on the journey to empower women in tech isn’t just a mission for us—it’s in our DNA, as part of our strong belief in the value of diversity, equality and inclusion. Almost 6 300 staff from 34 countries are living proof that a successful organisation is one that leverages the diversity of its workforce. 

The EPO is shaped by the diversity of personalities, knowledge and cultures within it and our inclusive work environment respects, values and celebrates our individual differences. We provide fair and equal opportunities for all staff, regardless of nationality, belief, sex, origin, health and sexual orientation or identity. Equal pay for women and men has been our practice since we opened our doors in 1977. The EPO has an inclusive work environment and culture and promotes this diversity in all activities, whether conferences, e-learning materials, awareness campaigns, networking or other events. 

Megan Stollery
Megan Stollery


The EPO is a beacon of purposeful work, offering competitive packages and an unparalleled international environment. With offices at the heart of Europe, we’re driving global innovation, fostering diversity and shaping careers. Ready to make your mark? Join us and be part of something extraordinary.

International Environment:

At the EPO, you’re part of a vibrant community where diversity thrives. You’re constantly exposed to different cultures, languages, and perspectives, fostering a rich and collaborative work environment.

Cutting-Edge Innovation:

The EPO is at the forefront of technological advancements and innovation. You’ll be immersed in groundbreaking ideas and have the chance to contribute to shaping the future of technology and science.

Professional Development:

Through training programs, mentorship opportunities, and exposure to a wide range of projects, you’ll continuously expand your skill set and expertise.

Impactful Work:

Working at the EPO means playing a crucial role in safeguarding intellectual property rights and promoting innovation. Your work directly contributes to fostering a fair and competitive business environment, both in Europe and globally.

Work-Life Balance:

With a strong emphasis on employee well-being and work-life balance, the EPO offers flexible working arrangements and comprehensive benefits. Whether it’s through teleworking options or family support, you’ll find the resources you need to thrive both personally and professionally.


Visit European Patent Office at EPO.org